♥ watch it, cos I am it ♥
Monday, 29 September 2008

Right. This is war. How dare she? HOW FUCKING DARE SHE????

Rachel spotted Josh having a fucking date with FUCKING LILLY JENSON today!!!!! Coffee!!!!! How dare she?? How dare she try and steal my man? Does she now know who I am?????? She cannot and WILL NOT do this to me!!! I am not going to let her try and get revenge, Lilly fucking Jenson are you listening?? This is just not going to happen!!! This is war!! I can't believe she would have the cheek to ask him out on a date just to spite me!! And why did he say yes??? I bet he was forced into it. I bet he was blackmailed or something, because there's no way he would downgrade from me to her!! No way!!

I hope you're listening Lilly Jenson, I am going to make your life hell from now on are you listening???


watch it, cos i am it . ♥



I'm Summer Francis-Smith, enough said!


♥ shopping
♥ diamonds
♥ fashion
♥ spending money
♥ spending my boyfriend's money
♥ hangbags
♥ shoes
♥ being popular
♥ manicures
♥ parties
♥ my fellow fabulous bitches
♥ make-up
♥ my hot boyfriend


♥ skanky girls
♥ not having what i want
♥ someone trying to make themselves more popular than me
♥ fatness
♥ working
♥ rain

recent entries

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let the fun begin....!!!xxx

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Hey, guess what I heard?It's juicy juicy juicyjuic...




September 2008
October 2008


Designer (PLASTICbottle) Brushes (http://veredgf.fredfarm.com)
Image (adobe photoshop elements 5.0)
Codings (pepper.clip)